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Alignment Yoga Teacher Training

In our yoga teacher training courses in Zurich you will learn the essential basics of Alignment based Hatha Yoga in 3 modules that build on each other, so that you can fulfill your future tasks as a yoga teacher professionally and with joy.

200H Yoga Teacher Training

300H Alignment Yoga Teacher Training

250H Yoga Teacher Training

200h Yoga Teacher Training

200h Alignment Yoga Teacher Training

Here the focus is on understanding the correct alignment. This training is a complete course in itself and is registered with Yoga Alliance. 

You will have a much better understanding of yoga and correct alignment and be able to teach simple classes.

This course is for you if:

  • You are currently quite busy at work and with your family, but you feel that you would like to develop further on your yoga path and not just after your retirement or when the children are out of the house.
  • You are interested in our Alignment Yoga style and you would like to do a shorter training, primarily just for you, in which correct alignment in the yoga postures plays the main role from the beginning.
  • You like to learn in small groups, because there is a lot of room for your questions in such a setting.
  • You are interested in correct alignment in the yoga postures and their finesses and you are interested in anatomy.
  • You are looking for a training that is perfectly compatible with family and job and you can sleep at your home in the evening.
  • If you want to avoid yoga injuries in the future and be closely guided by experts in Alignment Yoga for 5 months.

Did wie spark your interest? - Here you can find all further information.

What participants of the 200h training say

What attracted me to the yoga teacher training of The Yoga Place in Zurich was the knowledge about correct alignment, anatomy and how to teach correctly. Already during the training I could directly implement and apply a lot of what I learned in my classes and I get positive feedback from my participants! What I also liked are the assignments in the practical yoga philosophy. They trigger the process of personal development and give me a sustainable push in my life! 

Patrizia Cerere

During the yoga teacher training at The Yoga Place in Zurich, I felt a serenity that I was also able to take with me into my everyday work. I approach the yoga exercises very differently today - much more consciously and mindfully. I feel my body even more intensely and now know what I have to pay attention to. Also very nice were the many nice contacts, the deep conversations among each other and the exchange with the group!

Corinne Heusser-Egli

Through the yoga teacher training at The Yoga Place in Zurich, I have become physically and mentally stronger. I also get positive feedback from my environment in this regard. I feel more grounded and can let go better. In stressful times / situations I reflect back on what I have learned.

Andrea Aeschbacher


300h Yoga Teacher Training

300h Alignment Yoga Teacher Training

is the consolidation of the acquired knowledge from the 200h training. Anatomy takes an even stronger presence in this module. This training is also registered with Yoga Alliance.

After this part, you will be more confident and confident in front of your participants and you will be able to lead advanced exercises correctly and safely for your participants. 

This course is for you if:

  • You want to delve deeper into the subject of Alignment Yoga and are willing to invest more time in it.
  • Good knowledge of anatomy is important to you, because you have understood through the 200h Alignment Yoga course with us how important this is in order to be able to accompany your yoga participants competently. And you want to learn this material as practically as possible in connection with yoga exercises.
  • You would like to practice and teach more complex yoga exercises safely in the future.
  • If you wish for more security and sovereignty when teaching. 
  • If you are looking for more inner peace and clarity in your life and want to gain a deeper understanding of the soul and meditation.

Did wie spark your interest? You can find more information about this course HERE


250h Yoga Teacher Training

250h Alignment Yogalehrer Ausbildung

Here you come into expertise and strengthen your understanding of the therapeutic application of Alignment Yoga.

After this, you will be perceived as an expert because during this module you will have honed your teaching technique and your understanding of yoga, anatomy and the language of the heart will have sunk in at a much deeper level. 

With this last module, you solidify yourself as a yoga teacher; not only on the yoga mat, but also in your "normal" everyday life.

This course is for you if:

  • You want to refine your teaching technique on all levels.
  • You want to become more confident and self-assured in your teaching, so that you will be perceived as an expert in the future. 
  • You plan to work therapeutically as a yoga teacher in the future.

Reviewing and teaching the techniques learned so far will also help you prepare for the final exam across all modules. The exam is designed to meet the requirements of the EMR.

Did wie spark your interest? You can find more information about this course HERE


Your teachers

Tanja Lenger Mascarenhas and Joey Mascarenhas combine over 60 years of yoga experience in alignment yoga and thousands of yoga classes taught. They teach yoga full time.

We care deeply about correct alignment and this is what we have specialized in over the years. Alignment should not be taught rigidly and stubbornly, it must always be done in relation to the anatomy of the participant. For this you need a trained eye.

Alignment yoga and the use of yoga aids avoid yoga injuries, a topic we talk a lot about and educate during yoga teacher training, because we too have injured ourselves in our yoga beginnings.

This doesn't mean that we don't challenge our participants during classes, but that we understand and respect individual vulnerabilities and pick you up where you are at.

We live yoga and transmit our many years of knowledge with heart, depth and understanding. 

However, yoga does not end with the physical exercises, it is "only" the third of a total of eight levels in yoga. During our yoga teacher training we of course also go into the other 7 levels. However, the main focus in our trainings is clearly on alignment. 

An important factor in our trainings is certainly that the participants are taught directly by us. Thus, they have two clear contact persons with many years of experience in their field of expertise. This sets us apart from the mass of training courses on the market.

Because many trainings are often led by different yoga teachers with more or less experience or teach something of everything but nothing really in depth. Afterwards, the graduates have nothing well-founded in their hands. With us it is very clear what you learn and from whom. If this is important to you, then you've come to the right place. 

Are you interested? - Here you will find all further information about the Alignment Yogalerer trainings:

200h Alignment-Yogalehrer-Ausbildung

300h Alignment-Yogalehrer-Ausbildung

250h Alignment-Yogalehrer-Ausbildung

Frequently asked questions

Über folgende Links findest du die aktuellen Daten, der Yogalehrer Ausbildungen. Du musst auf der Detailseite etwas nach unten scrollen, dort siehst du dann alle Daten aufgelistet. 

200H Yogalehrer Ausbildung

300H Alignment Yogalehrer Ausbildung

250H Yogalehrer Ausbildung

Das Angebot an Yogalehrer Ausbildungen in der Schweiz und auch im Ausland ist enorm und da den Überblick zu haben, ist nicht ganz leicht. Wir haben ein paar der wichtigsten Fragen, die du klären solltest, bevor du dich für eine Yogalehrer:innen Ausbildung festlegst in unserem kostenlosen Fragenkatalog zusammengefasst, du kannst den Fragenkatalog hier beziehen (wir begründen auch, warum du diese Fragen stellen solltest):

Mit diesem Fragenkatalog und den beigefügten Begründungen wird es leichter, die richtige Ausbildung für dich zu finden

Wenn du noch keine Yogalehrer:innen Ausbildung hast, startest du mit dem Modul 1 unserer Alignment Yogalehrer:innen Ausbildungen. In diesem Modul lernst du die Basis des Alignment based Hatha Yoga. Dieses Modul eignet sich aber auch für dich, wenn du bereits eine Yogalehrer Ausbildung in einem anderen Yoga Stil gemacht hast, wie z.B. Flow Yoga. Dort kommen korrekte Ausrichtung und Anatomie oft zu kurz. Das ist bei uns der Hauptfokus in den Ausbildungen. 

Wenn du nicht unterrichten möchtest, aber Lust auf eine Vertiefung in Sachen Yoga hast, ist das Modul 1 ebenfalls die richtige Wahl für dich. Der Aufwand nebst den Präsenzstunden im Studio hält sich im Rahmen und lässt sich gut mit Famile und Job verbinden.

Das Modul 2, die 300h Alignment Yogalehre Ausbildung, eignet sich für dich, wenn du bereits eine 200h Alignment Yogalehrer Ausbildung hast oder schon länger in diesem oder einem ähnlichem Stil, wie z.B. Iyengar Yoga unterwegs bist und dir vorstellen kannst, Yoga zu unterrichten. Hast du bereits eine 200h Yogalehrer Ausbildung in einem anderen Studio absolviert aber wenig Erfahrung mit korrekter Ausrichtung und Anatomie, ist es bessert du startest mit der 200h Alignment Yogalehrer Ausbildung bei uns und nutzt sie als Weiterbildung. 

Das Modul 3, die 250h Alignment Yogalehrer Ausbildung, kann nur von jenen besucht werden, welche die 300h Alignment Yogalehrer Ausbildung bei uns abgeschlossen haben. 

After the 200h training you can teach simple yoga classes.

After the 300h training you are more solid in your teaching style and can also teach more complex yoga postures and classes.

After the 250h training you will be able to work therapeutically and lead workshops.

Our trainings are registered with Yoga Alliance and comply with their standards and regulations.

Those who qualify for a lateral entry with us can enter the 300h course via the Alignment Passerelle. Prerequisites are at least 4-5 years of Alignment Yoga or similar style, basic knowledge of anatomy and completion of the Yoga Alignment Basic Course (online content and studio portion) with us. If interested, please contact us via:

If you do a yoga teacher training in Alignment Yoga with us, you will learn therapeutic elements from the very beginning. This is a natural part of this yoga style and you will know what the individual yoga postures are useful for.

Here you can find more information about Alignment Yoga and why it is suitable for yoga therapy. Blog Article: Is Alignment Yoga suitable for yoga therapy?


In Alignment Yoga we focus on correct alignment. The postures are taken mindfully, which trains the mindfulness, and helps prevent injuries and has a mediative effect.

That's why we stay a little longer in the exercises, compared to flow yoga where you quickly switch back and forth between the exercises.

If you are only interested in flow yoga, our training is not the right one for you.

If you already have a yoga teacher training in flow yoga and want to gain a better understanding of alignment and safety for yourself and your participants, our trainings complement each other perfectly.

Contact us and we will be happy to advise you on which training with us makes the most sense for you.

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Ja, unbedingt! Denn in den Flow Yogalehrer Ausbildungen wird wenig Wert auf korrekte Ausrichtung gelegt. Wenn du noch keine Vorkenntnisse hast in Alignment Yoga empfehlen wir dir die 200h Yogalehrer Ausbildung in Alignment Yoga als Weiterbildung zu besuchen. In dieser Ausbildung legst du ein solides und nachhaltiges Fundament in Ausrichtung.

200h Yoga Teacher Training:

The time required for self-study and assignments to be submitted is low here. Those with little to no anatomical knowledge will have a little more effort. However, it is not expected that the learning material is already internalized.

Approx. 1h per week

300h Yoga Teacher Training

here you have to expect more time for your self-study and assignments, especially in anatomy, practical yoga philosophy and learning the instructions for guiding and teaching the yoga exercises.

Approx. 2-3h per week

250h Yoga Teacher Training

Here the time expenditure is also 2-3h per week and serves among other things the preparation of the final examination, the elaboration of different teaching sequences (very practical) as well as the further internalization of the instructions and the anatomy.

Approx. 2-3h per week

In our training brochure you will find on page 16-18 a categorized overview of the different trainings, which covers many questions. - HERE you can order the brochure for free.

In unserer Ausbildungsbroschüre findest auf Seite 16-18 einen kategorisierten Überblick über die verschiedenen Ausbildungen, die viele Fragen abdeckt. Lade sie dir gleich herunter!

Broschüre herunterladen!

The following prerequisites apply:

200h yoga teacher training:

1-2 years of regular yoga practice

300h Yoga Teacher Training:

2 years of regular yoga practice

Completion of the 200h Alignment Yoga Teacher Training (the yoga place Zurich)

or 5 years of regular yoga experience in Alignment Yoga style or similar plus Alignment Yoga Passerelle. Note*

*Those who already have a valid 200h Yoga Alliance certificate can register as a 500h Yoga Teacher:in with Yoga Alliance after the training. If you do not have a 200h YA certificate, you cannot register as a yoga teacher:in with Yoga Alliance after completing the 300h training!

250h Yoga Teacher Training:

Completion of the 200h AND 300h Alignment Yoga Teacher Training (the yoga place Zurich)

or completion of the 300h Alignment Yoga Teacher Training plus Alignment Yoga Passerelle

In our training brochure (in GERMAN!) you will find on page 16-18 a categorized overview of the different trainings, which covers many questions. Order free brochure HERE


Nein, die Ausbildungen müssen nicht zwingend hintereinander abgeschlossen werden. Du entscheidest, wann du das nächste Modul abschliessen möchtest. 

Yes, the trainings are registered with Yoga Alliance. Yoga Alliance allows the registration for 200h and 300h, which together allow the 500h registration. The 250h yoga teacher training is registered as continuing education. Hint*

*Those who already have a valid 200h Yoga Alliance certificate can register with Yoga Alliance as a 500h Yoga Teacher:in after the 300h Yoga Teacher Training. If you do not have a 200h Yoga Alliance certificate, you cannot register with Yoga Alliance as a Yoga Teacher:in after completing the 300h Yoga Teacher Training!

200 Yogalehrer Ausbildung

5-6 months

300 Yogalehrer Ausbildung

Aprox. 1 year

250 Yogalehrer Ausbildung

Aprox. 1 year

200 Yoga Teacher Training

You will receive the 200h Alignment Yoga manual from the yoga place, Zurich

You will purchase the anatomy books 1 & 2 yourself (the detailed book list you should purchase will be provided after registration for the training)

Online learning platform

300 Yoga Teacher Training

You will receive the 300 Yoga Teacher Training

500h Alignment Yoga manual from the yoga place, Zurich

The anatomy books 1 & 2 you purchase yourself or you already have them from the 200h yoga teacher training (the detailed book list you should purchase will be sent after registration for the training)

Online learning platform

250 Yoga Teacher Training

You will receive additional material to the 500h Alignment Yoga manual from the yoga place, Zurich

The detailed book list, which you should buy, will be sent to you after you have registered for the training.

Online learning platform

200 Yoga Teacher Training

In this training the exam is in the form of an open book quiz.

300 Yoga Teacher Training

In this training the exam is also in the form of an open book quiz and a practical part.

250 Yoga Teacher Training

Here there is a written and practical exam on the whole content of the 750 hours course material (summary of the 200h, 300h and 250h Yoga Teacher Training).

200 Yoga Teacher Training

200h Yoga Alliance Certificate

300 Yoga Teacher Training

300h Yoga Alliance Certificate

250 Yoga Teacher Training

750h certificate from the yoga place if all blocks (200, 300 and 250) have been completed with us. Otherwise there is a certificate and confirmation of 550h.

Alignment Based Hatha Yoga, or in its short form Alignment Yoga, is a style of Hatha Yoga that focuses on the correct alignment of the body in the yoga postures.

The late Guruji B. K. S. Iyengar pioneered this style, which is now known worldwide as Iyengar Yoga. Hatha Yoga describes the third and fourth steps in Raja Yoga (one of the four main directions of yoga).

It is a preparatory phase that prepares the body for meditation through asana (postures), pranayama (breathing techniques), and proper diet and lifestyle, and seeks to balance the dualistic body and mind - knowing that these polarities are a natural part of life and are constantly in flux. For a more detailed description and how we engage the heart energy, see here - blog post: What is Alignment Yoga.


Das Wort Alignment kommt aus dem Englischen und bedeutet Ausrichtung. Im Alignment Yoga bei The Yoga Place Zürich achten wir auf die korrekte Ausrichtung in den Yogaübungen. Das macht die Übungen sicherer und beugt Verletzungen vor. 

Guruji B.K.S. Iyengar was the yoga master who first introduced yoga aids. He recognized that not everyone's body is equally flexible and it is necessary for certain people to work with assistive devices. He also pioneered classical yoga therapy. Alignment also plays a central role in this style of yoga.

Whereas in Iyengar Yoga, the alignment is focused on the asana - the goal is for the yoga pose to come close to the ideal and thus one makes a deeper sensation; the classical Hatha Yoga approach.

In Alignment Yoga however, the individual anatomy of each participant is addressed and taken into consideration. The goal is not the perfect yoga posture, but that it is optimal for the body of the individual participant.

200 Yoga Teacher Training

On this page you can request the application forms: 200H Yoga Teacher Training

300 Yoga Teacher Training

On this page you can request the application forms: 300H Yoga Teacher Training

250 Yoga Teacher Training

On this page you can request the application forms: 250H Yoga Teacher Training


The entire training takes place at our yoga studio in Zurich.


In the Alignment Yoga training brochure, you will find a detailed overview of our yoga teacher trainings in Switzerland.

You will see what requirements you need to fulfill, how many hours of self-study you need to include, what certification you will receive, how the final exam will take place and much more.  

Fill out the form below and receive the new Alignment Yoga training brochure directly electronically. The booklet is in GERMAN.

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What our former participants say

Looking back, the yoga teacher training with Tanja and Joey was very worthwhile. I was able to develop and consolidate my professional competence as a yoga teacher and to develop myself personally. In addition, the training showed me ways to a regular yoga practice and gave me the tools to build my own profitable yoga business.

Johanna Espin

I have learned a lot during this training. Professionally, but also about myself: to appreciate my abilities and to accept challenges. At the beginning of the training we were mostly strangers with the same interest. Quickly we became very close friends, and over time a real little yoga family!

Lilian Urech

The 750 contact hours in the framework of the yoga teacher training at the yoga place gmbh is a great gift from me to myself - it was a touching and intense journey of which I would not want to miss a moment.

Sabrina Osterwalder

When I saw that the yoga place offers a yoga teacher training, it was immediately clear to me that I am there, because I did not want a 0815 yoga training, but the quality and a small group was important to me. The 750h training was unique, no wonder the whole group held out from the beginning to the end. The training also teaches to set priorities, so it was possible as a working mother with 2 children to find enough time for my family, me and the training.

Katja Rinaldi Martin

The training was demanding. However, the effort was worth it for me, because today I lead my classes very precisely and know when and how I have to correct my participants so that no one gets hurt and which yoga exercises have a more effective benefit on them.

Roman Simecek